
ESG Report Creation

Build trust with stakeholders & align your operations with long-term sustainable goals.

Today many regulatory authorities, financial institutes, government, customers, investors and even employees are demanding organizations to be sustainable and improve their sustainability performance. Reporting on sustainability is becoming mandatory for many. It is also expected that the disclosures made on sustainability should be true and subject to independent assessment.

Sustainability needs to be part of the Strategic objectives of the organization and cascaded down. This should be part of the organizations performance process and integrated reporting.

There needs to have a proper materiality assessment for creating the report. Without the focus on the materiality aspects, the report might not be correct and will lead to wasted effort and loss of credibility and even legal suites.

Having a proper well designed reporting process helps organizations to better manage sustainability related risks and capitalize on new business opportunities.

How Xellentro can help?

Xellentro helps organizations to embed sustainability in the entire value stream and guide on integrating sustainability information into the value stream management platform and share the sustainability information through reporting.

Xellentro also creates reports after proper materiality assessment conforming to various standards like BRSR, GRI, UN SDG, ISSB, etc.


  • Gap analysis post review of existing policies, literature review, data collection and analysis
  • Materiality and Stakeholder mapping
  • Creating Practitioner’s scorecard
  • Create the Draft Report
  • Finalize the Draft Report after discussion with key stakeholders
  • Present the Final Report